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Keep Noelle in Africa!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Home Sweet... no.... Kindergarden Friends on the bus

I was "suppose" to be on an air plane today. But everything changed I guess. I am sitting in a familiar room, in a familiar city after a LONG journey.

I went from Arusha, Tanzania to Nairobi, Kenya. It took about 7.5 hours by bus, the roads are bad. I spent the night at the back packers in Nairobi and then took the day Monday to go computer shopping. I got a Acer new baby. So that's what I am writing you on now! I took a night bus at 8 pm from Nairobi to Eldoret, which is in the far west of Kenya. I arrived in Eldoret at 3:45 am!

Bahati came and picked me at about 6:30, there were some cold hours of waiting! We had 2 very lovely days together. Just hanging out, laughing a ton, talking, killing GIANT mosquitoes, ... it was lovely. I got to watch "High School Musical" (the first one) one day while she was at work. It was perfect. Enormously enjoyable.

Today I got on the bus around 12 pm... of course it didn't leave until 1:30 pm. But the journey was fine... I talked a bit to my seat mate and tried to read while holding my new backpack/computer on my lap. At the boarder crossing (Kenya to Uganda) I asked a white girl if there were any papers around to fill out. Another girl in line said No, they hadn't given any out. So I got in line behind her and we started talking.

It was amazing! She is doing very similar work to me!! We have a very similar vision for what we do, we are both Catholic and wanting to make an impact in the world... she has been all over too, but for a longer while than me. We ended up switching seats on the bus so we could sit by each other. We talked and talked! It was so wonderful... then she offered me one of her ear phones so we could listen to good African reggea music... I felt like I was in kindergarden becoming best friends with someone I just met. It was a really good feeling.

She'll be living in Kabale, which is only 2 hours from Mbarara. She is a lot of fun, and I am super excited that at the start of my new life... I've found a friend.

So now I am peacefully in Susanna and Peter's home... again. Happily using their Orange internet. Tomorrow are some exciting meetings. It is good to be back in Kampala!!

I have a "partnership" meeting with Cornerstone Leadership Development to discuss what roll I'll have in relation to their organization as I do work with some of their programing, alumni and current students. It should be a good meeting. Then I'll go to Cafe Pop for a bit... get some yummy food and use their free wireless to download all the stuff I need. Hopefully in the afternoon I will get to visit the Cardinal of Kampala... a good friend who I met in Masaka. He is a very cute, friendly and kind old man. Perhaps we will have tea.

Then I go to Mbarara on Saturday...I think. :)

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