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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kony 2012, part 1 of 3....

This is part one of three blog posts I will put up about the current Kony Craze.  I'd like to invite you to read all of them... look through the links posted here, and do some exploring for yourself.  

I know that with these posts I am opening myself up to a lot of criticism and disagreement.  I may not respond to everyone who comments... these are just my humble thoughts.  At the end of the 3rd post, I will try to list every web site I even looked for these posts... there are a lot of them!

Before I begin with my thoughts on Kony 2012 and Invisible Children, I want to say a few things.  First of all, I will probably be wrong on at least some of what I say.  I do not know everything, and am prideful enough to actually weight into the conversation… which means people will disagree with me.

I am trying to read as much as I can, and think as much as possible about what I have experienced here in Uganda to give you my perspective.  Some of these thoughts have been stewing in my mind for some time, I just haven’t had a clear enough block of time to really write about them.  I hope that it is some way helpful.

The first thing I want to say is the Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Amy are one of the world’s most brutal army.  When Rush Limbaugh said what he said about them, I was infuriated. (Full transcript here : ) My family got a very intense email about how mad I was at his comments.  (Note:  He still has not recanted his words, or apologized for blasting incorrect information.)

The history of Uganda is a difficult and complicated one, as all history is.  Several wars have ravaged this beautiful country and left a huge human tool in its wake.  The LRA is one of the worst armies in the history, I don't want to get into details.  Their brutal tactics are beyond barbaric.  When the peace deal was attempted with the Ugandan government in 2006, Joseph Kony was driven out of Uganda.  From there they did not disband, and were not apprehended, instead they became basically mercenaries around Central Eastern Africa, for the highest bidding warlord or government to hire and wreak havoc on innocent people. 

The LRA needs to be stopped.  I agree with Invisible Children that capturing Joseph Kony and his commanders in very important.  Yet, the justice system in Uganda is terrible.  Recently, a high level commander of the LRA was apprehended by the International Criminal Court in Gulu, and was later released (New Vision story here:  What would actually happen if Kony and his gang were captured?

If only true justice could be served.

So, what do I think about the current craze surrounding Joseph Kony (Kony 2012) and the LRA which is prompted by Invisible Children.

I totally agree with Michael Wilkerson in his article in Foreign Policy’s Blog; Passport.  My writing here will reflect my personal thoughts, but I totally agree with Wilkerson and if you want a brief, clear article… read his.

But for those of you whom have requested my thoughts and take on the whole thing… here we go:

First, I think Invisible Children has one of the most amazing writing and production staffs around.  The people who do the writing and media for Invisible Children are very convincing with words, images and ideas.  They are able to paint a picture which is beautiful, and inspire confidence in what they are doing in those who read, watch and listen.  This is an incredible ability; I wish I had more of it.    

The problem is that Invisible Children are not 100% truthful, and use fairly misleading facts.  Wilkerson outlines this point, but there is one specific place in the video I want to point this out… 

(From the Video Transcript
 03:41 → 03:43
Who are you to end a war?
03:43 → 03:46
I'm here to tell you, who are you not to?

I hate to break it to you, readers, but there is actually no “war” going on against Kony, let alone a war going on in Uganda… it ended officially ended in 2006.  As I wrote earlier, since that time Kony and his gang have been basically extreme guns for hire throughout Central Africa.  They are out there trying to survive in the jungles of Central Africa, a roving band of killers.  Terrible, I know.   

Invisible Children information (financial report 2011) says that since 2008, over 3,000 children have been abducted… but it doesn’t say by whom.  Also, I searched their citation on the Enough Project website, and could not find the cited information.  Opps.  (Note:  The information at the Enough Project website seems to be well done, very professional, but much more cited, documented and connected to the bigger picture than Invisible Children.  Seems that Invisible Children aren’t the only people who have been working hard for this…

According to the Enough Project, the LRA currently numbers roughly 500 armed combatants.

Also, not to break your heart, but honestly how can you, from your computer, help with this situation.  With the split of Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo is now the largest country in Africa.  There are very few roads throughout the entire Eastern side of the country, it is sold jungle (just look at google maps).  Central African Republic, DRCs northern neighbor, is an unsung failed state.  It doesn’t get press like Somalia, but it’s basically ungoverned… a bit of a mess   (some history here …  

Perhaps if we all look hard enough at google satellite pictures someone can spot an LRA camp (sorry for the sarcasm). How is this campaign really, honestly going to catch Kony?

Action Kits?  Really?  Have we reduced violence, war crimes, and terror to a fashion statement?  Give your 30 dollars to a local soup kitchen, most people will benefit from it… that I can guarantee.

Now, how is your facebook post and donation of 30 dollars going to catch Kony?  Invisible Children would scare you into thinking that somehow the USA is going to stop helping with the issue… when in the video it’s said…

21:58 → 22:01
But in order for the American advisors to be there,
22:01 → 22:04
the US government has to deploy them.
22:04 → 22:08
They've done that, but if the government doesn't believe the people care
22:08 → 22:12
about arresting Kony, the mission will be canceled.   ßThis is a lie.

A read of the US Department of State’s official document on the US position on Kony and the LRA does not say anything about a pull out date, and in fact reinforces the idea that there is a sustained commitment to “also continue(s) to provide assistance to support the return of displaced people, reconstruction, and recovery in northern Uganda”.  Though this might sound strange, if you read through the document, you can see that there are a lot of big, international players in this… the UN, 5 or more governments…. The US government is not going to stop this incentive if you don’t post the video and donate to Invisible Children.

US Department of State statement:

 I think that the Kony 2012 video is misleading, and a great way for Invisible Children to get a lot of press, and money...I don't think the people at Invisible Children are bad people.  They are probably incredibly passionate, and really want to do some good.

We just really need to ask, what good is Kony 2012 actually doing?

My next post will be about Invisible Children, and money.   Wait for it....

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