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Keep Noelle in Africa!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Noelle in America: Voucher, Upcoming Events, and Future Plans

A few things for you!
1.        I have a KLM/Delta airline voucher which needs to be used by August 18th.   I given it to someone to use, but they decided not to use it and now I am stuck.  It is for 114 dollars and can be used by anyone, but does expire soon.  If needed, I am willing to discuss lower in the price to make it worth your while.   $100 is what I spend to live one week in Uganda.  If you are buying a KLM/Delta airline ticket in the next few weeks, please consider helping me by simply buying this voucher off of me.  Thanks!
2.       “Good Works:  An Evening for Africa”  will be taking place Wednesday, August 3rd at 7:30 in Ann Arbor, Mi!   This will be a presentation at Christ the King Catholic Church.  I have been invited to share at the parish where I grew up about my work in Uganda, specifically highlighting my work with Christ the King’s sister parish and diocese.   All are welcome, light refreshments will be served!  Come along and invite your friends!
3.       I am going back to Uganda on August 16th!  For there we will see what happens.  There is a lot of catching up to do, and I will hopefully be travelling to several other countries in September and October, to see about expanding my work.  In order to stay in Uganda I need to secure 3 things by February 2012:  1. Full Funding (1500-2000 USD per month)   2. Consistent Health   3. An extrovert work environment.  If you or any organizations you know would like to become a partner for transformation by contributing to my work monthly, feel free to used the “subscribe” button on my blog, or contact me directly for more information and partnering options.   Subscribe at
4.       The Wish List!    It’s still here, on my blog!  My biggest need at this moment is a full sized laptop computer, which is 2 years or less in age and is not a Dell.  This will be the computer which I do my major writing work on, and also possibly to start my masters online.   The wish list also continues other smaller, cheaper items.  All items can be accepted as “in kind” donations, up to 2,000 dollars. 
5.       Email list revamp:  I will be updating my Africa Partners Email list this week.  Please let me know if you would like to be on my email list.  This will simply give you other updates on my work.  Emails are sent every 4-8 weeks.  Please feel free to send me an email at, saying you'd like to be added!

Thankfully my mom gave me a camera, so when I get back to Uganda I will finally be able to put up photos again!  I will also put up a few highlights from my home visit soon.  

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