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Keep Noelle in Africa!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Irish Eyes, with breakfast in Dubai

Tomorrow I am starting my trip to Dublin, Ireland!

 On Monday (very early) morning I will be having breakfast in Dubai with my friend John Everington!  This is my first time to go to Dubai, and he gladly agreed to pick me up during my 6 hour, night time lay over, and show me the city!!  I am so excited... it'll be a blast.  We'll have breakfast about 4:30 am somewhere in Dubai.  This is a great life.

Once I reach Dublin, one of my closest Irish friends is collecting me from the airport, armed with a heavy winter coat!  I have some small hope of having lunch with some youth leaders from all over Europe, but even if I don't do that... I will eat a bagel and cream cheese, and some other wonderfulness!  And of course, get quality time with people I love and miss a lot.  I am truly joy filled at the thought of being with my second family in Ireland.

Very late on Monday night, my best friend in all of Europe arrives to spend the WHOLE week with me, as we attend the RELaY conference!  We haven't SEEN each other in 5 years, but stay close in touch through letters and email.  She is a gem, and I so grateful that I get to have some time with her.

What gifts.  All of this.  This whole opportunity is a gift and a blessing... and not just for me.

My team, which I trustingly leave behind, has a lot of work in front of them.  A meeting with all of the head teachers for various schools in Kampala is their first challenge, followed by the organization of a large networking luncheon and an activity day at our Cornerstone Ranch. 

I know they can do it.  I trust my team, and am so grateful for them.

This is development:  First you do it, then they do it with you, then they do it themselves, then they do it and can't remember who taught them!

So... my team is taking over for the next 3 weeks, and I know they will rock! 

And me, I'm off to Dublin.... and some exciting breakfast in Dubai.

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