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Keep Noelle in Africa!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Things, or bodies, fall apart

Here, at the beginning of my new life, my body decides it should stop functioning. 

I am sick.  I haven't been this sick the whole time I've been in Africa.  Today, I just didn't really eat anything and that worked well.  Until I ate something small...

I also managed to sprain my ankle at 6 am this morning as I was leaving my house to go with Father on an adventure.  The adventure was great.  The ankle is very soar. 

So, I'm a bit of a mess... and the DTS officially starts tomorrow. 

I will be in the hospital tomorrow morning, as the DTS begins. 

If you pray, now would be a good time to send a few up for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Right before DTS, eh? Highly suspicious. We will pray for you!
